Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Greener place

Lat year we burned through more than double the amount of resources that Earth can sustain long-term.  We need to make a change today to help turn things around before its too late.  By creating small habits we are able to make a significant difference in our world, in your neighborhood and in your backyard.  Here are some ideas for you to contemplate...some I have adapted!

  1. Turn off your lights.  By turning off the lights in rooms that are unoccupied not only will you doing something good for the earth, but you can potentially save more than 10% of your energy expenditure.  
  2. Unplug appliances. I unplug everything that is not in use leaving my fridge, stove, and main television on.  My bill used to be $250, last bill I received was $80.
  3. Use less water.  Fix leaking faucets, install low flow shower heads, take shorter showers, reduce the amount of times you take a bath in a month.
  4. Recycle your plastic and cardboard
  5. Eat less meat.  Nearly one-fifth of the worlds greenhouse gasses is estimated to be generated from livestock production...more than transportation. Reduce by eating no meat a few times a month...every little bit helps. 
  6. Boycott plastics. Refuse to use any plastic in your home.  Not only is it loaded with BPA which is a chemical that can cause a multitude of health problems, but plastic can survive for thousands of years in landfills releasing its harmful chemicals into groundwater.  
  7. Garbage Bags.  Plastic bags will long live past your the disintegration of your food.  Green Genius' biodegradable garbage bags are a great option for your home or business ($6 for 15; amazon.com)
  8. No more paper towels.  Paper towels are relatively cheap but in one year the average person can use up to 3,000...adding to the devastation of our earth.  Use cloth napkins for meals.  You can wash them and reuse them as much as you need.  Peopletowels has a variety of pretty, reusable, organic towels that you can keep in your kitchen or purse. ($16 for set of 2 peopletowels.com)
  9. Remove yourself from junk mail lists.  To end up with less to recycle and less clutter go to Direct Marketing Association (dmachoice.com) where you can register your address.

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