I have been using maca powder for about 2 weeks and I have noticed a difference in energy, focus, stress, mood and awareness. I take only ¼ of a teaspoon once a day every other day and mix it in my morning green smoothie. My experience with Maca so far has been good. In the beginning I was having some trouble sleeping so I reduced my dosage. So far I really love this "supplement" but will continue to monitor my health and symptoms in order to better determine if this is something that I should continue to take. You can purchase this in herbal stores. I purchased mine at Watkins on 125th in Harlem. Below you can find some information to help you better determine if this is something that you should try.
Maca is a plant (Lepidim meyinii or Lepidium perianium Chacon) related to radishes and mustards. It is native to Peru and thrives in the extreme sunlight and desolated altitudes of the Andes. It is referred as the Peruvian ginseng” because for centuries the indigenous people used the plant for a variety of ailments and disorders.
Many herbalists recommend maca as an adaptogen. This means its natural properties help the body regenerate after being fatigued or stressed. It has the ability to increase your body's resistance to infection and trauma. Maca is believed to behave as a restorative and tonic and to help rebuild weak immune systems and improve your body's absorption of nutrients. It is believed to do so by supporting endocrine health. The endocrine system is the combination of glands that produce hormones. Hormones are released into the blood stream and act as "messengers" to the tissues and organs. Scientists believe that maca helps regulate hormones, contributing to regulated metabolism, elevated energy levels and an overall feeling of wellbeing.
Stress Reduction
People who have taken maca root supplements for a period of time have described a significant reduction in the effects of stress on the body. Maca will help to regulate blood pressure and have a balancing effect on the total hormone system. It will also assists the body in its production of serotonin (a chemical which affects mood and digestion) and may also help to lower cortisol, a stress hormone that is also linked to serotonin production, which is known as the “happy hormone”
Maca is rich in calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron and B vitamins making it helpful for menopausal symptoms. It can reduce the frequency and intensity of menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, anxiety and depression. Maca root is an adaptogen and does not contain estrogen, but it can help to balance out your body's own hormones and encourage the production of hormones which are lacking.
Sexual Stimulant
Maca has a number of beneficial uses as a sexual stimulant. It has been used to enhance fertility and increase sexual desire. Preliminary research on animals has also shown that it may have potential for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and for fertility enhancement in women and men.
Increased Endurance
Maca improves stamina. It allows individuals to participate in physical activities for longer periods of time
Side Effects
Maca is a superfood because it can cause changes in the way you live and react. It is advised that you use this superfood cautiously. If taken in high dosages it can cause:
Allergies- Symptoms include hives, fatigue and flushed skin
Worsen Thyroid Disease
Causes Goiters, which is a swelling in the thyroid
If you are pregnant you should not use this product. If you are suffering from breast cancer or prostate cancer, you should avoid using maca. You should also not use it if you suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure). Use caution initially and take the lowest dose recommended if you tend to be allergic to certain substances, watch for any signs of allergy such as hives or rash. Discontinue use if troublesome symptoms arise. If in doubt, check with your healthcare provider or herbalist before taking maca.